Well, this day was my birthday, 36 years young, so I was hoping that all my dreams would come true. Unfortunately, Wagner is still in the X-Factor, so I was all out of luck. As was John Yoda-lay-hey-who or whatever his name is, who went crashing out after forgetting the lyrics in his version of Kelly Clarkson’s “Because of You” not once, but three times. I wonder why the judges never mentioned his screw-up as they sent him packing?
Actually, I think this week’s show was pretty good. The songs chosen were, on the whole, awful, but that proved to be a decent test for the wannabes.
Paije was… well, he was Paije – all big smiles and solid vocals and looking like he’s having the time of his life. Lovely kid – judging by what we see of him, which is, of course, through the Syco editors lens – but he’s not going to win.
John came out with a sparkly suit and an new hair-do. I’m not surprised he left this week to be honest. He’s another one who looks like he’s enjoying himself, but was never going to win. I said to Sandrine on Sunday night, he’s the sort of man you’d listen to if he was performing somewhere you happened to be – like Butlins for example – but he’s not someone you’d stump up good money to see.
Rebecca was up next. I love this girl. I’d buy her album tomorrow (not strictly true since I haven’t bought an album in god knows how long, but it’s the sentiment that counts) and listen to time and again. Her voice is just… It just is. I hope that Cheryl doesn’t work to hard on helping Rebecca overcome her shyness though – that’s actually part of her appeal at this point. Watch her performance here.
Then came Cher. Is there a contestant this series that divides opinion as much as her. Hell, she’ even divides my opinion. Here’s why. I really like her performances. I don’t quite buy the whole “fresh and original” line the judges are taking with her – I see her as more of a British version of Gaga – Gaga Lite, if you like – but I think she puts on a good show and could be huge with the right guidance. It’s her I don’t like. I think there is something fundamentally unlikeable about her. I don’t know if it’s her constant snarling, or her ‘attitude’. Actually, I think the whole ‘attitude’’ thing is a put-on. The impression I get is of a spoilt middle-class kid trying to be ‘street’ but not quite understanding what ‘street’ represents – it’s more that she like the clothes and music.
In the end, I think she could win it. Here’s her performance from this Saturday.
Next up was Matt. He was great. Really, really good. As long as he doesn’t stuff it up, he’ll win. He sang Britney’s “Hit me baby…” and it sounded better than when she sang it. His performance is here
This part of the show was certainly for the girls though. In the same segment as Matt, came the boy band. I went to make a cup of tea at this point. They don’t need to win, Simon will make his money off them whatever happens. Next!
More to come…
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